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Welcome to the Vanapalli Group!  Research interests in the group are diverse, ranging from fundamental investigations in fluid dynamics and biological soft matter to applied problems in medicine and energy.  These research topics are tackled using a combination of high throughput microfluidics, advanced microscopy methods, high content image processing and computational modeling. Check out our research section for a description of specific research projects. We are very open to collaboration, so feel free to reach out to us.


October 8, 2020

Congratulations to Leila for successfully defending her PhD dissertation on "“Development of gel-based phenotypic assays to study muscle function and genetics in Caenorhabditis elegans”. 


October 5, 2020

Congratulations to Mizan and Hunter on publication of their NemaLife work in Scientific Reports!


September 28, 2020

Congratulations to Dr. Vanapalli for being named the Bryan Pearce Bagley Regents Chair in Engineering!


August 28, 2020

Congratulations to Anirudh for successfully defending his qualifying exam!


August 6, 2020

Congratulations to Adity on publication of her collaborative work with McCarthy lab in Cell & Molecular Bioengineering Journal


June 25, 2020

Congratulations to Leila on publication of her collaborative work with Benian lab in Journal of Molecular Biology!


June 2, 2020

Congratulations to Bushra for successfully defending her qualifying exam!


April 6, 2020

Prof. Vanapalli receives President's Excellence in Commercialization Award! Congratulations Prof. Vanapalli!


March 20, 2020

Congratulations to Shamim for successfully defending his thesis "Microfluidic Investigation of the Mechanics of Cancer Cells and Vesicles". 


March 11, 2020

Congratulations to Adity for successfully defending her qualifying exam!


January 13, 2020

Bushra was selected as a TTU SERB (South Regional Educational Board) state doctoral scholar. Congratulations Bushra!


October 4, 2019

Congratulations to Masoud for successfully defending his Master's thesis "Application of Kalman filter for droplet tracking in microfluidic networks". He now has MS in Statistics, kudos Masoud!


September 11, 2019

Congratulations to Jennifer for successfully defending her thesis "Development of Caenorhabditis elegans as a model organism for Duchenne muscular dystrophy using a novel multi-environment phenotyping framework". 


August 23, 2019

Congratulations to Samira for successfully defending her thesis "Microfluidic Study of the Dynamics of Crystal Nucleation and Partial Coalescence in Mono-disperse Two-dimensional Oil-in-water Emulsions". 


July 23, 2019

Congratulations to Siddhartha for successfully defending his thesis "Rheology of complex fluids and kinematics of complex flows". 


May 2, 2019

Congratulations to Shamim for securing first place in the departmental Poster competition and second place in 3-minute talk!


May 2, 2019

Congratulations to Leila for standing first in the departmental 3-minute talk and Poster competition!


April 24, 2019

Leila was selected for Travel award by Genetics Society of America and C. elegans Conference Travel Award Committee. Congratulations Leila!


March 31, 2019

Shamim was awarded the Dissertation Fellowship for the academic year 2019-2020. Congratulations Shamim!


Jan 31, 2019

Siddhartha was awarded APS FGSA Travel Grant for Excellence in Graduate Research. Congratulations Sid!


December 10, 2018

Taslim received the Graduate Poster Award from American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR). Congratulations Taslim!


October 12, 2018

Congratulations to Naureen for successfully defending her thesis "Microfluidic manometry and rheology of complex fluids". 


October 1, 2018

Jyoti Tomar from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay  will be working as a visiting research scholar in our lab. She received the "Indo-U.S. Fellowship for Women in STEMM"  award for the development of droplet based microfluidic platforms for antimicrobial susceptibility tests. Welcome to the group, Jyoti!


August 19, 2018

Our work on high throughput microfluidic production of alginate fibers is published in Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Congratulations Geetanjali! 


June 21, 2018

Our microfluidic technology for multi-sample deformability cytometry of cancer cells has been featured in APL Bioengineering including a scilight. Congratulations Shamim! 


June 7, 2018

Congratulations to Mehdi for successfully defending his thesis "Hydrodynamics of droplet dislodgement and breakup in confined microfluidic geometries". 


June 5, 2018

Our NemaFlex technology for standardized measurement of muscle strength in C. elegans has been accepted in Lab on a Chip journal.


May 15, 2018

Our microfluidic technology for lifespan and healthspan analysis in C. elegans wins the Innovation Award at the Tech Connect Conference in Anaheim.


May 3, 2018

Congratulations to Shamim for successfully defending his qualifying examination!


May 1, 2018

Congratulations to Masoud for successfully defending his qualifying examination!


April 19, 2018

Prof. Vanapalli receives President's Excellence in Research Professorship! Congratulations Prof. Vanapalli!


April 4, 2018

Congratulations to the worm team for publication in PNAS on roll maneuvers of C. elegans in 3D media!!


March 31, 2018

Taslim received the TechConnect Innovation Award from TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo. Congratulations Taslim!


March 23, 2018

Congratulations to Jen Hewitt for receiving the Fulbright Scholar award. She will be working in Antebi Lab at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Aging. We are all thrilled!!


March 20, 2018

Our lab wins the Engineering Safety Champion Award for using best safety practices in research. Kudos to all in the group for creating a safe environment to work in the lab!!


March 2, 2018

Prof. Vanapalli receives a promotion to the rank of Full Professor. Congratulations Prof. Vanapalli!


Feb 14, 2018

Prof. Vanapalli delivers an invited talk on drug testing of cancer cells at the Single Cell Analysis symposium at Molecular-Med TriCon Conference.


Feb 1, 2018

Our paper on hydrodynamic mobility of particles, vesicles and cancer cells has been published in Biomicrofluidics journal. Congratulations Shamim and Naureen!


Jan 16, 2018

Our paper on microfluidic bypass manometry - a new method for making many pressure drop measurements in parallel has been published in Lab on a Chip journal. Congratulations Naureen and Mehdi!


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Mail stop 3121

Lubbock, TX 79413  

​Tel: 806-834-1715 

​Fax: 806-742-3552    


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